Goooood morning everyone. I was up early today thanks to this.


Isn’t she cute? I took this last night when she was sleepy. But, not so cute when she licking me in the face in the morning. Maybe it’s payback?


My half marathon is on Saturday, and even though this is a glorified training run, I have been doing what I like to call a “mini taper” of just one and a half weeks. I only ran 6 miles last Saturday for my long run and this week I have only run FOUR MILES because I haven’t been feeling good and because my IT band is still causing me problems. Well, it’s safe to say it is driving me CRAZY! Even though I know it’s not true I feel like I losing fitness and getting slower by not doing my other two short runs this week. I went so crazy this morning I even got on the elliptical for 30 minutes and did some arm weights just to do SOMETHING.

After my workout, this got me thinking….if this little mini taper for this race that isn’t even my goal race is driving me crazy, then how am I going to handle tapering for my marathon in January? I am definitely not looking forward to that!

I have a feeling I am going to be doing a lot of deep breathing and techniques to keep myself calm in those last few weeks. Hopefully by then I will be confident enough in my training that it won’t make me quite so crazy. Also, hopefully I won’t be battling sinus problems and an IT band injury. I think that is the root of it, that I am nervous how my body is going to hold up.

But, until then, I will keep icing


massaging my leg


and driving myself crazy until Saturday!

Tonight we are going to a visitation for a friend’s father who passed away in a car accident a couple of days ago. It was shocking, and also a big wake up call. I drive that interstate all the time. You never know when it will be the last time you get to talk to someone. Go hug your parents, spouse, childen, and friends. Tell them how you really feel about them, don’t wait to tell them tomorrow, you never know if there will be one. Can I just say I love all my readers? :o)


QOTD: Have you even experienced taper madness? What did you do to get over it?