I have been athletic my whole life. I started playing basketball in 3rd grade, then soon after added soccer, then in Jr. High I dropped soccer for volleyball and Track (still playing basketball.) All through High School I was a three sport athlete, and I could eat whatever I wanted! Some days I had basketball practice at 5:30 am then volleyball after school, and all my sports overlapped. So, let’s just say I was burning a ton of calories! I am also 5’9″ and carry weight pretty well. My junior and senior year of high school I tore ligaments in both my ankles, shattering my dreams of playing college sports. I would have had to have ankle surgery, something I did not wish to pursue at the time.
When I went to college, I stuck to playing sports for fun, worked out occasionally, and I slowly started to gain weight over the next 4 years. Not a lot of weight, but for me, going from 122-140 was a lot!
    In January of 2009, I went to Disneyworld for a fun girls weekend and got to watch some of my friends run the Disney marathon. As I stood on the sideline watching people cheer for complete strangers, tears rolled down my cheecks and I vowed to not only start running again and run the Disney half the next year, but also to be an overall more healthy person. I have definately had some ups and downs but I am on the right track! Not only did I run the Disney half in January of 2010, but I am now signed up to run the Disney full in 2011! I cannot wait to go full circle from watching that race in 2009, to running it myself in 2011. It is something I NEVER thought I could accomplish! Join me on my journey to eat healthy, tone up, and be an overall happy, healthy, person!
    I love God, my husband, my family, my furbabies Bella and Sassy, being active, watching tv, text messaging, blogging, being outside, reading, chocolate, Disneyworld, and many other things! Come visit and get to know me better! I love meeting new people and making new friends, so please don’t be shy!

50 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Love the new site! Keep up the great work 🙂

  2. Caroline Says:

    I love how you were teary eyed and so inspired watching the Disney marathon, and then decided to run it yourself too!! Like your blog 🙂

    1. Thanks for reading! And keeping with the teary eyed theme, I was holding back tears crossing the finish line this morning!!

  3. Kimberly Says:

    I’m loving your blog! I always enjoy your posts on the DIS and reading your reports. I love how real and honest you are! Can’t wait to read more and keep up the great work! I struggle myself with getting my runs in and maintaining a healthy lifestyle…it’s definitely a day to day process. Good luck!

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I love hearing from readers. You are right it’s definately a daily thing. I have bad days all the time!

  4. Erin Says:

    I just found your blog (from chicrunner) and love it! I love what got you into running and look forward to reading about your journey!

    1. yay I love new readers, thanks so much for psoting and letting me know you are out there lol!. I love comments! Thank you for reading!

      1. Erin Says:

        I know what you mean. I practically squeal when I get new comments on my blog!

  5. You and your guy make the sweetest couple.
    I can’t wait to be a pup pup mama too. One day!
    I would love to complete the Disney Princess Marathon in the next year or two 🙂
    Love reading your blog. xoxo

    1. aw thanks. I love my fur babies! I am afraid one day when we have kids they are going to be jealous!!

  6. Susan Says:

    Hi – just wanted to say thanks for letting me know about the Couch to 5K running plan. I looked it up online and started the program this week!

    1. that’s awesome! let me know how it goes! I would love to hear your thoughts on it, comments, how it worked for you etc. You could write a guest blog for me!

  7. Susan Says:

    OK – I will let you know how I do with this new plan of mine! I am trying to get in shape for a vacation to Disney World in June.

    1. oohh good luck! I am doing a Disney cruise in June!

  8. Susan Says:

    Hi – just wanted to let you know I am on week four of Couch to 5K. So far, so good. I feel like I have gotten in better shape and my jeans are fitting a little better! It is a good program.

    1. that’s great! I am so glad you started it! Hopefully you will catch the running bug and stick with it!! Good for you!!!

      1. Nicole Says:

        I love reading your blog! My husband and I recently started running after I walked the Princess half marathon in March. We have our first 5K this Saturday. We normally have to push 2 kids in a jogging stroller so we are excited to see how we do without them!!

        1. congrats! Racing is so addicting! good luck in your race, I will be running a 5k this Saturday, too!
          of course Disney is the best place to race!

  9. kbwood Says:

    you are so adorable!! i gota get caught up on your blog-but you sound like a running beast!

    1. haha you are too funny. I wish I was a running beast!

  10. Susan Says:

    Hi again – so I just started week eight of Couch to 5K – I had to repeat week six twice, so I am really just at the week 7 schedule, but I can now jog 20 minutes without a break! That is a lot for me 🙂 Jogging burns lots more calories than walking and I have been more mindful of what I eat now, because it is just so darn much work to burn off those calories! Congrats on the Disney travel job!

    1. thats GREAT! when you get done I would love for you to do a guest post if you would like, so keep track of your progress! are you going to do a race at some point?

      1. Susan Says:

        I would love to do a race sometime this fall. Thanks again for letting me know about Couch to 5K.

        1. you are more than welcome, I am so glad you are sticking with it!

  11. Can I just say, I LOVEEEE your blog….but everytime I look at the url, I take a double glance because at first I ALWAYS read it “running with ass!” LOL.

    1. aw your sweet thanks for posting! Haha I have thought that of my blog name before but no one else has ever mentioned it! Hehe

  12. Christel Says:

    You have a great thing going on with your blog! I would love to run the Disney races once, but being from Holland, well, I’d have to make a holiday out of it!

    1. thanks!
      you could so make a holiday out of it, just run the race at the beginning of it so you can have fun and relax the rest!

  13. d.a.r. Says:

    I just found your blog–looks like you have made a ton of progress on the running front! I can’t wait to read more!

    1. thanks so much for reading! I appreciate it!

  14. Aprile Says:

    Skinny Runner recommended your blog and now I’m a subscriber! Great washer and dryer by the way 🙂 Keep up the great work!.


    1. aw thanks so much! I love my readers!

  15. Hey! Skinny Runner sent me over here as well. Looking forward to reading more!

    1. hi! Love that skinny runner!

  16. smilecrave Says:

    Eeeeek!! You work as a Disney Travel Agent!! SO COOL!! Disney is home away from home for meeee! I love it!! I love everything you believe in!! so awesome!! sign me up! 🙂

    1. haha lol! If you have any trips coming up I can book for you! and if you have already booked through Disney I can takeover the reservation!

  17. fitnstitchin Says:

    I’m so glad I found your blog, it’s very inspiring! ~Love your photos! Keep Running! 🙂 ~Take Care

    1. thanks for the sweet comment!

  18. I saw your post on healthy living blogs and decided to stop by!! Love your blog and good luck training for your marathon! 🙂

  19. lisaou11 Says:

    i bet the disney is a great race to run! that sense of excitement in that place probably motivates you right along 🙂

    1. it is b/c there is so much to look at! For the full marathon you get to run through all 4 parks, I can’t wait!

  20. runningmumma Says:

    I just found your blog and I have enjoyed reading it. I did the Disney half in 2008 and have a goal of doing the Disney full in 2012…

    1. thanks so much for stopping by! That’s exciting! I hope you get to do it!

  21. […] Running With Sass loves the Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea. Her workout favs are sweaty bands and compression socks. I want to get compression socks so I can feel like a Skinny Runner badass. Seriously that girl is a running machine. […]

  22. OMG! I love your doggies!! Are they poodles?? So cute! I just stumbled on your blog via fitblog chat! You are adorable!

    1. lol thanks! yes they are both toy poodles. Sassy, the black one is 9, Bella is 2.5 they are my life! thanks for reading!

  23. Chelsea Says:

    I just came across your site and I love it!
    We actually have a TON in common. I’m a freshman in college running track, but in high school I was a three sport athlete from 7th grade on! And to add icing on the cake, I love Disney! Me and my family have made an effort to go every year since I was 5! I’ve always wanted to run in a disney marathon, but just haven’t had the chance.
    I’ll definitely be a ‘frequenter’ on your site! 🙂

    1. thats awesome thanks for reading! Let me know if you need a disney travel agent 🙂
      Disney races are the best you should really try to do one!

  24. Vanessa in Texas Says:

    I came upon your blog tonight (link from the running skirts website) and love it! I’ve done two halfs but walked 99% of them. I’ve put on so much weight and have vowed that 2011 is going to be my year to get in shape and RUN a half marathon. (Your blog is inspiring!) Happy New Year!

    1. Hi! so glad you found my blog! You CAN do it! Take baby steps so it’s not so overwhelming. I started with just being able to run one mile, and added on from there.

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