Good morning! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. We had a really rough weekend. I am trying to stay positive, but it’s hard to when you have two houses to sell and an estate to settle. We know it will all work out eventually but it could take awhile. We were prepared for that but it still stinks!

I am so glad I will be gone for a week so I don’t have to think about it!


Isn’t it funny how when it rains it pours? Not only is all this stuff going on, but in the past week I have had a LOT of stuff going on with work, while it was dead the week before and after Christmas! Now I am trying to get it all done and I haven’t packed a THING yet and we leave TOMORROW! I am way to type A to have not packed yet, but I haven’t had time! We got back in town from Mississippi last night and I have been working on Disney stuff for other people all morning. (Which is fine because I love it!) I still have to do more Disney stuff, run, and pack all by tomorrow at 2:00!  eeekk!

It is definitely crunch time! When I am in “crunch time mode” I don’t get on facebook, twitter, or read other blogs until I am done with everything I need to do. (Trust me, it is killing me!) So hopefully I can finish and get back to my normal internet crazed life!

Thinking about how I don’t allow myself to surf the web when busy, I started thinking about other things I can do to ensure I get things done when I need to. This is what I came up with:

1.)NO social media (facebook, twitter, etc.)

2.)no web surfing, including blogs and websites

3.) only check work e-mail

4.) eat lunch while I work to maximize time

5.) no TV playing in the background (I get distracted easily)

6.)make a list, and prioritize so I get the most important or time sensitive things done first. (scratching things off a list is liberating!)

7.)enlist help if possible. If I need laundry folded, ask hubby if he would mind doing it while he watches TV, etc.

8.)realize as much as I like to think I am, I am not superman and can’t do everything or be everything to everyone!

9.)If I start to feel overwhelmed, take a 10 minute break, but set a timer so I don’t end up wasting time.

These are things I have found the personally help me get things done! Now, get off the computer and work, work, work! (Unless, that is, you work ON the computer, like me!)

QOTD: How do you prioritize your time?DSC_0722

(this girl is a huge distraction!)